Java clients

There are two JAVA clients provided by the project at the moment:

  • PSICQUIC Simple Client: it does not have dependencies. Provides basic access to the services by retrieving the raw data. It does not parse the results. It is REST based.
  • PSICQUIC Client: it has more dependencies, because it contains different models to manipulate the results in a Java object oriented way. At the moment it uses SOAP access, but this will be soon replaced to use the Simple Client behind the scenes soon.

You can download the clients here, or obtain them using Maven.

The following table summarises the differences between the two clients, described in more detail below:

PSICQUIC Client Simple Universal
Java lib dependencies None Many
Protocol used REST SOAP
Streaming Yes No
Pagination Yes Yes
Integration with model None (but easily integrated) Full integration with XML and MITAB models
Speed Faster Slower (due to response generation)
Bandwidth Smaller Larger (SOAP evelope and response)
Compression Yes Yes
Compatibility PSICQUIC 1.1 or higher PSICQUIC 1.0 or higher

PSICQUIC Simple Client

This client is the simplest way to access the services using Java. It provides no-frills access to the data, hence it is quicker than the other client. You need to parse the results yourself though.

If you are using Maven, include the following in your project:

  • Latest release version:

This dependency is hosted at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) repository. You can add this repository in your pom.xml file like this:


Examples of Use

You can find different examples in this folder.

PSICQUIC Client (Standard)

A JAVA client is provided already by this project. If your project is using Maven, you can start using the client right away just by adding this dependencies to your project.

Include the following dependency in your project:

  • Latest released version:

This dependency is hosted at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) repository. You can add this repository in your pom.xml file like this:


Examples of Use

You can find different examples in this folder to start using the PSICQUIC service.

Building the client from sources

The sources for this client can be found as part of the project source code.

Once you have the code and you want to build the project, execute the Maven command:

cd psicquic-client
mvn clean install

Using other programming languages

If you are not using JAVA, you can generate your client code using the WSDL file directly. The WSDL can be found at:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""